Late-night funnyman Stephen Colbert spent a few minutes of his show Tuesday exploring the fiscal cliff and the current state of negotiations to avoid it.

“Let’s not forget that there’s always something out there to scare us. For instance, when the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve you can kiss your date and then you can kiss our economy goodbye,” Colbert said, before detailing how Washington got into this situation.
Colbert defined sequestration – “Which at first sounds like rationing the amount you can watch SeaQuest, but it’s even worse than that” – and then moved on to President Obama’s plan to raise taxes on the wealthy. “Here’s what’s really scaring me folks—Republicans might let him do it, even though every Republican in Congress has signed the no-taxes pledge created by the president of Americans for Tax Reform created by Grover Norquist – the two most terrifying words a Republican can hear other than buenos días.”
Watch Colbert’s take on the cliff and Norquist’s no-tax pledge:
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Fiscal Cliff Compromise | ||||
Colbert and Reihan Salam on why the Republicans have “lost their spine”:
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Fiscal Cliff Compromise - Reihan Salam | ||||