Worried About a Recession? Here’s When the Next Slump Will Hit

Worried About a Recession? Here’s When the Next Slump Will Hit

Another <a href="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/06/08/cnn-opinion.research.corporation.poll.pdf" target="_blank">recent survey</a> found that 48 percent of Americans believe that it is likely that another great Depression will begin within the n
Dorothea Lange/Library of Congress
By Beth Braverman

The next recession may be coming sooner than you think.

Eleven of the 31 economists recently surveyed by Bloomberg believed the American recession would hit in 2018, and all but two of them expected the recession to begin within the next five years.

If the recession begins in 2018, the expansion would have lasted nine years, making it the second-longest period of growth in U.S. history after the decade-long expansion that ended when the tech bubble burst in 2001. This average postwar expansion averages about five years.

The recent turmoil in the stock market and the slowdown in China has more investors and analysts using the “R-word,” but the economists surveyed by Bloomberg think we have a bit of time. They pegged the chance of recession over the next 12 months to just 10 percent.

Related: Stocks Are Sending a Recession Warning

While economists talk about the next official recession, many average Americans feel like they’re still climbing out of the last one. In a data brief released last week, the National Employment Law Project found that wages have declined since 2009 for most U.S. workers, when factoring in cost of living increases.

A full jobs recovery is at least two years away, according to an analysis by economist Elise Gould with the Economic Policy Institute. “Wage growth needs to be stronger—and consistently strong for a solid spell—before we can call this a healthy economy,” she wrote in a recent blog post.

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