The Most and Least Popular Senators in America

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The Most and Least Popular Senators in America

REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich

Data compiled by Gallup shows that public approval of Congress has been stuck in mid-teens for a while, last reaching 20 percent in February 2015, shortly after Republicans took control of both chambers.

The disapproval isn’t spread equally, though.

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A new survey by Morning Consult finds that despite an abysmal grade for Congress overall, some senators, at least, are actually quite popular in their home states. The extensive poll asked 62,000 people in all 50 states what they thought about the job their senators are doing and found some earned high marks from their constituents, while others, unsurprisingly, did not.

Here are the top five most popular senators in America:

Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Despite of his increasingly bitter clashes with Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary — or is it because of them? — Sanders is the most popular senator in the country, with an 80 percent approval rating. He received the same amount of love in November.

Susan Collins (R-ME). One of the last remaining centrist Republicans left in the upper chamber, Collins enjoys 79 percent approval among Maine voters.

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John Hoeven (R-ND). A popular former governor, Hoeven was elected to the Senate in 2010, crushing his Democratic opponent, 76 percent to 22 percent. The new survey found a similar level of support, with 74 percent backing Hoeven’s job performance.

Angus King (I-ME). Matching Hoeven with 74 percent approval, King, a Maine independent who caucuses with Democrats, is known for reaching across the aisle and working with the GOP on national security matters.

Patrick Leahy (D-VT). He trails Sanders, his Vermont colleague, in the popularity race, but 73 percent of Vermonters like Leahy, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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And here are the five least popular senators in America:

Mitch McConnell (R-KY). One of the Obama administration’s best-known opponents, McConnell remains the most disliked senator in America, even among his own constituents. He won reelection with 56.2 percent of the vote in 2014, but his disapproval rate is now at 49 percent.

Pat Roberts (R-KS). Roberts squeaked past a primary challenger in 2014 and went on to beat an independent challenger to win a fourth term in office. But Kansans clearly have a long memory; only 40 percent approve of him, while 42 percent disapprove.

John McCain (R-AZ). The five-term senator and chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee has had issues in his home state in recent election years. In 2014 the Arizona GOP censured the man who had been the 2008 Republican presidential nominee for his “disastrous and harmful” record. McCain is facing a primary challenge this year and 42 percent of Arizonans disapprove of him.

Orrin Hatch (R-UT). The most senior GOP senator and the Senate President Pro Tempore has 49 percent approval and 41 percent disapproval among his home-state voters.

Harry Reid (D-NV). Forty-five percent of constituents approve of the retiring Senate Minority Leader, while 41 percent disapprove.