Chart of the Day: It’s Still the Economy, Stupid

Chart of the Day: It’s Still the Economy, Stupid

By Yuval Rosenberg

Security may be the top policy issue for Republican voters, but the economy is the top concern for Democrats, independents and voters overall, according to Morning Consult’s latest polling on the midterm elections. Health care is third on the list, followed by “seniors’ issues.” The results are based on surveys with more than 275,000 registered U.S. voters from February 1 to April 30.

Clinton Loses Altitude in Iowa

By The Fiscal Times Staff


Sanders and Biden Pressure Clinton in a Three-Way Race

By The Fiscal Times Staff


Super PACS Have Raised a Startling $258 Million…So Far

By The Fiscal Times Staff


Clinton Improves in National Poll, but Biden's Potential Grows

By The Fiscal Times Staff


Trump Falls to Second in Michigan Poll

By The Fiscal Times Staff


Michigan GOP Poll