House Votes to Terminate Trump’s Border Emergency

Feb 26 2019

By a vote of 245-182, the Democratic-led House just approved a resolution terminating President Trump’s national emergency at the border with Mexico and blocking his reprogramming of federal funds for wall construction. Thirteen Republicans joined Democrats in voting for the resolution.

You can find the vote tally here.

The resolution will now head to the Senate, where it must be voted on within 18 days — though Senate Republican leaders are in no rush. As of now, three GOP senators — Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Thom Tillis of North Carolina — have said they would vote for it, but others are reportedly giving it serious consideration.

The Trump administration, though, is pushing hard to prevent defections. “It’s being framed as no longer about ideological or constitutional concerns, or fears of setting a precedent for a future Democratic president,” CNN’s Phil Mattingly reports. “It’s about partisan concerns and not giving Democrats ammunition. Trump remains extremely popular in most GOP held states.”

On Tuesday, the White House also issued an official threat to veto the resolution.

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), the lead House sponsor of the resolution, acknowledged that it’s unlikely lawmakers will have enough votes to override a Trump veto. “Look, the president is probably going to veto this bill, and it’s an uphill climb to override any veto, not just this one,” he told reporters, according to The Washington Post. “But we’re not going to give up. We’re going to keep fighting. And I’m hopeful.”