Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist of the U.S. Department of Labor, is Director of Economics21 at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. She is also a contributor to the Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch. Her latest book, co-authored with Jared Meyer, is"Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young."
Recent Stories By Diana Furchtgott-Roth:
Smear Campaign Against Labor Nominee Andy Pudzer Is Fake NewsFebruary 14, 2017
Op-Ed: The torrent of lies about Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants and President Trump’s nominee for Labor Department Secretary, never seems to end. It’s not enough to say that he abused his wife (...
Why Trump Needs to Hold Countries That Hack and Steal Accountable January 11, 2017
Many assert that President-elect Donald Trump is against free trade. But standing against the theft of intellectual property and old-fashioned mercantilism, as Trump has promised to do, is an...
How I Was Forced to Join a Democratic Lobby Group, Er, UnionSeptember 5, 2016
As a condition of my employment as a professor at George Washington University, I must pay the SEIU every month. This Labor Day the good news is that I have been appointed as an adjunct professor of...
Joining a Union Is Easy, But Just Try Getting Out of OneAugust 18, 2016
The National Labor Relations Board has made it easier for workers to join unions. But if you want to leave, that's a different story. Getting into a union is easy. The NLRB has reduced the time...
The Ugly Truth Behind Last Week’s Big Jobs Numbers August 8, 2016
This week media coverage of the presidential campaign should turn to issues of substance, as Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton deliver economic policy speeches before the Detroit...
To Avoid Recession, Fix the Corporate Tax CodeAugust 1, 2016
With the Commerce Department’s Friday announcement of low second-quarter growth, Americans are left wondering what the Fed has been up to—and what it will do when the United States falls into a...
Hillary Clinton’s Faulty Numbers on Equal Pay Would Backfire on WomenJuly 28, 2016
At the Democratic Convention on Monday night, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker lamented that American women do not earn “equal pay for equal work.” A Hillary Clinton administration, they...
The AG’s Guide to Ruining Business and Slowing State GrowthMay 29, 2016
Those seeking to understand why millions of Americans support Donald Trump’s anti-government positions need look no further than the power exercised by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman....
Three Ways Obama’s New Overtime Rule Hurts the Economy and WorkersMay 22, 2016
Most bad policies harm the economy in one identifiable way. But the Labor Department’s new overtime rule, released on May 18, harms the economy and the American worker in three different ways. The...
Donald Trump Speaks With Forked Tongue on ImmigrationMay 2, 2016
Politician Donald Trump, now leading in the Republican primaries, is strongly anti-immigrant. But Businessman Trump wants more high-skill visas and hires foreign workers in his Florida Mar-a-Lago...
7 Ways Obamacare Failed Americans and Shortchanged the CountryMarch 25, 2016
Obamacare barely passed Congress in 2010. If people had known how it would develop, the health-care act would likely never have become law. Back in 2009, when the law was proposed, and in 2010, when...
If Trump Wanted Your Property to Build a Hotel, He’d Just Take ItMarch 3, 2016
Everyone complains about government, and real estate magnate Donald Trump is promising to fix it and make America great again. But no one can help the economy by encouraging the government to take...