ADAM GRAHAM-SILVERMAN is a senior producer at The Fiscal Times. His reporting and writing has appeared in Time, Slate, Salon and The New Republic, among other outlets. Before TFT, he was a reporter and editor at Congressional Quarterly, where he covered foreign policy, the budget and appropriations, and House and Senate leadership.
Recent Stories By Adam Graham Silverman:
Message War as Campaigns Surge to the FinishOctober 3, 2010
The messages are hardening in the final month of the midterm campaign, with Republicans slamming Democrats’ big-thinking, big-spending ways, while Democrats are trying to paint Republican ideas as...
Republicans Bob and Weave, Dodging Fiscal SolutionsSeptember 26, 2010
Republicans continue to insist on tax cuts for high income earners, including the wealthiest Americans, and even more breaks for small business and others. But they haven't said how they’re going to...
GOP ‘Pledge’: Few Details to Jumpstart the EconomySeptember 23, 2010
Having been accused of being the “Party of No,” House Republicans on Thursday published their long-awaited manifesto of what they would do if they were back in power. The 21-page “Pledge to America...
Sunday Talkies: Insurgent Candidates’ Conservative ContradictionsSeptember 20, 2010
Remember the angry activists in the health care debate? The ones who railed against government intervention, then added: “And keep your hands off my Medicare!” That kind of thinking is working its...
Obama Battles Anti-Business Image, Defends Tax PlanSeptember 20, 2010
A few days after President Obama appointed Wall Street critic Elizabeth Warren to a key oversight role in his administration, he countered accusations that he's an enemy of big business. While citing...
Silver Linings for All in Primary CloudsSeptember 16, 2010
For some members of both parties, the unexpected outcomes of Tuesday's primaries meant that good things lie ahead. Christine O'Donnell, the Tea Party victor in Delaware, paints her insurgency as a...
The Midterms: Congress Prepares for One Last Sprint September 15, 2010
With Republicans poised to reclaim the House and possibly the Senate, Congress returned to Washington Tuesday for a frenetic four-week session before members depart again for the final weeks of...
Anti-Deficit Advocates Face Wary PublicSeptember 8, 2010
A new anti-deficit initiative launched Wednesday gave itself a difficult goal right out of the gate: travel the country and convince Americans of the importance of long-term deficit reduction....
Don't Call it a Stimulus. Don't Mention it at All.September 7, 2010
A pair of top House Democrats and a labor leader got on the phone with reporters on Tuesday afternoon to talk up their efforts to boost the economy. Conspicuously absent: discussion of President...
Federal Government Spent Record $3.2 Trillion in 2009August 31, 2010
The federal government spent $3.2 trillion domestically in the last fiscal year—more than $10,500 per person, according to new figures from the Census Bureau. That marks a 16 percent increase from...
Republicans Preview Fall Economic AttacksAugust 30, 2010
In a preview of the attack lines we'll be hearing this fall, two key conservative fiscal experts teed off on the Democrats' economic policies on Monday. "We are basically replicating the kinds of...
Gates Faces Tough Challenge Overhauling the PentagonAugust 27, 2010
Here's what Defense Secretary Robert Gates is up against in trying to overhaul the defense bureaucracy: A half-trillion dollar beast that doesn't know how many people it employs, doesn't require cost...