Joseph H. Cooper
Joseph H. Cooper writes Books and Education columns for The Huffington Post. His “Pauses and Moments” stories appear at PsychologyToday.com as “Rumblings from the lane next to the off ramp.”
Recent Stories By Joseph H. Cooper:
Why I’m Throwing My Hat Into the VP Ring – for Either CandidateJuly 12, 2016
With 56 percent of Americans believing Hillary Clinton should have been indicted for her improper handling of sensitive emails, and Donald Trump still holding a 61 percent “unfavorable” rating, it’s...
In 2015, Welcome to the Long Habit of LivingDecember 30, 2014
Forty years ago, Dr. Lewis Thomas earned the 1975 National Book Award in two categories: Arts & Letters and The Sciences. In The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher, he mulled the...
Need Boots on the Ground to Fight ISIS? Give These Bad Guys a ShotOctober 3, 2014
Bill O’Reilly, the controversial host of Fox News’ Talking Points has a plan for defeating ISIS. He proposed sending cadres of “elite fighters who would be well-paid, well-trained to defeat...
A Maximum Security Inmate Draws a Line between Muslim and JihadistSeptember 11, 2014
The Muslim inmates I encountered in my semesters as an in-prison educator seemed quite committed to having their faith and practice provide a path that would steer them away from the criminal life....
How to Stop the Deadly Ebola Virus from SpreadingAugust 11, 2014
From a national security standpoint, we are rightly concerned about terror organizations like ISIS. The strategic mantra is – we have to fight them over there so that we do not have to fight them...
The Bank Account That Came In from the ColdJuly 29, 2014
Plunder laundered into bearer bonds (locked away in “a tight-lipped file”) compounds to a private-equity underwriting of jihadist terror. That’s probably not how John le Carré would capsule his 2008...
How a Book Lifted the Fog of War for a Father and SonJune 14, 2014
OP-ED: Publishers have begun to serve up memoirs from likely 2016 presidential aspirants - Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul - the books already available or their authors soon to be on...
D-Day: A World War II Novel’s Lessons for Today’s TroopsJune 6, 2014
TFT’s special tribute to D-Day There were U. S. boots on the ground in Iraq. There are, and will still be, boots on the ground in Afghanistan. Maybe there should have been cross-trainers and...
Campaign Mud-Slinging Could Cost Publishers a Hefty Law Suit April 22, 2014
Mud-slinging is free speech – some “mud” will stick, and some “mud” can be expensive to remove. This Tuesday, the U. S. Supreme Court will entertain oral arguments from petitioners who, in effect,...