On December 13, the Peterson Institute released a working paper on the history of U.S.-China trade relations.
In a November 18 commentary, Yale economist, and former president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo criticized the G20 process for failing to achieve macroeconomic coordination.
In a November 17 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 47 percent of people said that free trade hurts the U.S.; only 23 percent think it helps. Moreover, 53 percent of people think that free trade agreements with other countries hurt the U.S.; only 17 percent think they help.
A November 16 study by Cato Institute economist Sallie James examined the Generalized System of Preferences, a program that grants reduced tariffs on imports from poor countries. She criticizes the fact that textiles and other goods are not covered and that national quotas are imposed on imports under the GSP.
On November 9, the U.S. International Trade Commission published a study of small and medium-sized enterprises. It finds that those that are export-oriented outperform those with only a domestic focus.
Also on November 9, Morgan Stanley economist Richard Berner published a commentary that was optimistic about the contribution of net exports to GDP growth in the 4th quarter.
And on November 9, Pew released a poll finding support for free trade at a historical low. Tea Party members were found to be especially skeptical of free trade.
On November 4, the Congressional Research Service issued a report on trade promotion authority and the role of Congress in trade policy.
On October 20, the CRS issued a report on recent congressional modifications to the tariff schedule.
On October 15, the CRS released an updated version of its periodic report on trends and forecasts in U.S. international trade.
I last posted items on this topic on November 9.
Bruce Bartlett is an American historian and columnist who focuses on the intersection between politics and economics. He blogs daily and writes a weekly column at The Fiscal Times. Bartlett has written for Forbes Magazine and Creators Syndicate, and his work is informed by many years in government, including as a senior policy analyst in the Reagan White House. He is the author of seven books including the New York Times best-seller, Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy (Doubleday, 2006).