Budget Battles
Republicans Want Strings Attached to California Disaster Aid
Biden Goes Out With a Bang in the Jobs Market
Trump Privately Pushes Senators for ‘One Big, Beautiful Bill’
Trump Considers Declaring National Emergency for Tariff Rollout
Trump Unloads: Grievances, Greenland and the Gulf of Mexico
Republicans Divided Over How to Pass Trump’s Agenda
Trump Pushes Johnson to Victory as Speaker
The Republican Retreat From Market-Based Regulation
By Mark ThomaDuring the debate over the repeal of Obamacare, Republicans made frequent reference to their desire for a “free market” for health care. This is consistent with the GOP’s long-standing support of...
Who’s Watching Wall Street? The Feds Turn a Blind Eye to Goldman’s Game
By David DayenWhy are House Republicans working so hard to repeal Wall Street reform when regulators have shown so much willingness to neglect tougher laws?
You Get What You Pay For: Banks Spent Billions on Lobbying During the Election
By Pete Schroeder, ReutersBanks and other financial companies expecting big benefits from Republican-led deregulation spent record amounts on lobbying in the last election cycle, according to an advocacy group report released...
The One Way Trump’s Administration Really Is a Fine-Tuned Machine
By David DayenThe government-by-mood-ring fluctuations of the Trump presidency have corrected the myth that politicians conjure up devious plans to manipulate the public years in advance. It’s beyond clear that...
Trump the Populist Is Trying to Hobble a Champion of the Little Guy
By Ciro ScottiAfter being bested by Hillary Clinton in a primary contest that saw the deck stacked against him by the Clinton Machine, Bernie is back in the Senate doing what he has always done for the past 30-odd...
Overhauling Dodd-Frank May Not Succeed, but Also May Not Matter
By Liz PeekNancy Pelosi says President Trump’s call to reshape Dodd-Frank is a “massive con” and that he is putting #WallStreetFirst. Sadly, she has set the tone for Congressional Democrats, siding with...
Populist on the Trail, Trump Pivots Toward the Banking Industry
By Rob GarverAfter a campaign spent railing against his opponent’s connections to Wall Street banks and promising to stand up for ordinary Americans against the moneyed interests holding them back, President...
In the Trump Administration, Credibility May be a Problem
By Mark ThomaAs a department chair at a university, you learn that a promise from the Dean or anyone else in the administration is good for about five years. That’s approximately how long Deans last, on average,...
Here’s Who Wins With Trump’s Order to Slash Regulations
By Rob GarverTrump on Monday morning signed an executive order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs. The order is unquestionably a gift to the business community, which constantly complains of...
How the GOP Could Wipe Out Federal Regulations in One Easy Step
By Rob GarverA new interpretation of an old law may allow Republicans to wipe out decades of federal regulations. Congressional Republicans have been eager to dismantle many of former president Barack Obama’s...
Housing Slowdown Hits Large Banks
By Marine ColeAs mortgage loan application and origination volumes continue to fall, large banks are paying the price of the slowdown. The overall volume of new mortgages fell 23 percent to $226 billion in the...
Special Report: The Real Story Behind Rising CEO Pay
By Elliot Blair Smith, The Fiscal TimesThis four-part series presents CEO pay and compensation consultants through a new lens, reporting how an executive is paid can be as important as how much — and detailing how Ira Kay of Pay...
An Unlikely Champion for Higher CEO Pay
By Elliot Blair Smith, The Fiscal TimesExecutive-pay consultant Ira Kay rallied with the labor movement before switching sides
The High-Stakes Fight Over How to Measure CEO Pay
By Elliot Blair Smith, The Fiscal TimesThe 848-page Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act dedicates 149 words to framing a new disclosure about “pay versus performance” at public companies. Boards and management must...
How Smithfield Foods Larded Its CEO’s Pay Package
By Elliot Blair Smith, The Fiscal TimesSmithfield Foods CEO Larry Pope stands to take home $46.4 million from the sale of the world’s largest pork producer to Chinese interests last September. Once the deal was announced, the fine print...