Financial Regulation
  • FHA Takes Steps to Avoid Taxpayer Bailout

    By Margaret Chadbourn, Reuters

    The Federal Housing Administration, facing a $16.3 billion deficit, will increase mortgage fees next year and take other steps in an effort to avoid a taxpayer bailout, the Obama administration said...

  • The Stunning Collapse in Business Confidence

    By Samuel Ro, The Fiscal Times

    Morgan Stanley just published its November read on its proprietary Business Conditions Index, and it dropped 6 points to 35%. This follows last month's stunning 14 point plunge.

  • Obama Should Tap a Wall St. Ace to Replace Geithner

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    Wanted: One good man, or woman, to serve as the Obama Administration’s next Secretary of the Treasury. Like the presidency itself, the position likely will have scores of candidates eager and willing...

  • Warren Possible for Seat on Senate Banking Committee

    By Sarah N Lynch, Reuters

    The chances are good, but not guaranteed, that Elizabeth Warren will secure a highly coveted seat on the Senate Banking Committee, a move that would dramatically elevate her campaign against Wall...

  • GOP Plan B: Embrace the Nonwhite American Future

    By Bruce Bartlett, The Fiscal Times

    The big story out of Tuesday’s election is that Republicans finally understand that they cannot win as a lily-white party any more. Smart Republicans have been warning about this for some time, but...