The Apple Economy
  • Apple CEO's Stock Award: $376 Million


    Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook received a one-time stock award worth nearly $400 million, the largest given by a company in a decade.

  • Kindle Fire Takes a Bite Out of Apple

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    Reviewers like "Captain Gadget" of the Huffington Post have dubbed Amazon’s (AMZN) newborn Kindle Fire a "tablet for dummies" when compared to Apple's (AAPL) iPad. After all, you get less battery...

  • Apple a Target of EU E-Book Anti-Trust Probe


    The European Union's antitrust watchdog is probing whether Apple helped five major publishing houses illegally raise prices for e-books when it launched its iPad tablet and iBookstore in 2010. The...

  • Apple iPhone 4S Hits Stores

    By CHIP CUTTER, AP Business Writer

    Apple's latest iPhone arrived to an enthusiastic response from buyers camped out at stores Friday, but many observers noted the crowds were smaller than those that had gathered for previous releases.

  • How Apple Spawned the $7 Billion apps Market

    By Jessica Ramirez, The Fiscal Times

    Thanks largely to Apple, the market for apps has exploded in just three short years: There are now more than 425,000 apps an iPhone user can choose from. In the process, legions of new businesses...