The Apple Economy
  • Be a Great Hacker, Get a Great Job

    By Mary Thompson, CNBC

    At the Money 2020 Hackathon in Las Vegas, there's more than just the $125,000 in prize money at stake. Winners here may also land a job with one of the hackathon's sponsors PayPal. "They get to learn...

  • Why Investors Give Company Founders a Longer Leash

    By Tim Mclaughlin and ROSS KERBER, Reuters

    For good stock market bets, some top investors can't be too bothered by details like corporate profits: instead, they pick companies run by their founders. Four of the top six performing companies on...

  • November Deals You Must Know Before Black Friday

    By Lindsay Sakraida,

    We finally made it to November, one of the happiest months for budget-conscious shopping. Not surprisingly, many items hit their lowest price points this month around Black Friday. Ultimately though...

  • A White House advisor suggests a federal sales tax as a remedy for the nation's soaring debt problem.

    Black Friday 2014 Comes Early: 7 Great Deals

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    It’s hard to believe the holidays are just a few short months away – but there’s no need for panic, from a shopping standpoint anyway. Many consumer deals are already here due to earlier-than-ever...

  • The Data Theft Going on Right Under Your Nose


    When popular Chinese handset maker Xiaomi Inc admitted that its devices were sending users' personal information back to a server in China , it prompted howls of protest and an investigation by...