Yahoo CEO says he never provided a resume: source

Yahoo CEO says he never provided a resume: source


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc Chief Executive Scott Thompson never provided a resume or incorrect information to Yahoo, he told top executives at a meeting on Thursday, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Thompson held a meeting with his top people on Thursday to address a controversy over the educational background that erupted a week ago.

Yahoo acknowledged last week that Thompson, the former president of eBay Inc division PayPal, does not have a computer science degree, despite what was stated in his official company biography and in regulatory filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The revelation has engulfed Yahoo in turmoil and raised questions about Thompson's future at the struggling Internet company.

In the meeting on Thursday, Thompson gave an account of the facts as he understands them and provided executives with an opportunity to ask questions.

The meeting marked Thompson's most significant move to explain the situation to his top lieutenants.

Earlier this week, Yahoo's board appointed a special committee to investigate Thompson's background and to review the "facts and circumstances" surrounding his hiring.

Thompson sent an email to Yahoo employees earlier this week apologizing for the controversy and saying he hoped the board's review would be concluded promptly.

(Reporting by Alexei Oreskovic; editing by Andre Grenon)