Twitter misses deadline to provide information to U.S. Senate

Twitter misses deadline to provide information to U.S. Senate


The social media company had been asked to provide written answers to questions from the intelligence panel as it conducts one of the major congressional investigations into the alleged Russian activity and alleged collusion between Republican President Donald Trump's campaign and Moscow.

Russia denies any election meddling and Trump has denied any collusion.

Facebook and Google met the intelligence committee deadline.

Twitter said it "looked forward to finalizing" its responses to the intelligence committee soon.

"We are continuing to work closely with committee investigators to provide detailed, thorough answers to their questions," it said in a statement. "As our review is ongoing, we want to ensure we are providing Congress with the most complete, accurate answers possible."

Warner blasted Twitter after it testified behind closed doors to the committee in September, saying company officials had not answered many questions about Russian use of the platform and that it was still subject to foreign manipulation.

Congressional investigators have called technology companies to testify repeatedly as they look into the issue.

A separate Senate panel, the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, said it would convene a hearing on Jan. 17 looking into whether technology companies are doing enough to combat terrorism on social media.

Officials from Facebook Inc., the YouTube unit of Alphabet Inc.'s Google and Twitter will be testifying at a hearing titled "Terrorism and Social Media: #IsBigTechDoingEnough?" the committee said.

(Reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Additional reporting by Dave Ingram in San Francisco; Editing by Bill Trott and Susan Thomas)