Robert L. Dilenschneider
Robert L. Dilenschneider is founder and chairman of The Dilenschneider Group, a global public relations and communications consulting firm headquartered in New York City. The former CEO of Hill and Knowlton, Inc., he is also author of more than a dozen books, including the best-selling "Fifty Plus."
Recent Stories By Robert L. Dilenschneider:
Of Fireworks, Hot Dogs, and Why July 4th Really CountsJuly 3, 2017
This, then, is the state of the union: free and restless, growing and full of hope.So it was in the beginning. So it shall always be, while God is willing, and we are strong enough to keep the faith...
What Erdoğan’s Sweeping New Powers Mean for Turkey, the EU and USApril 23, 2017
With a turnout that exceeded 85 percent, Turkish voters have approved 18 constitutional amendments that will shift the nation from a parliamentary system to an executive presidential system, although...
Veterans Day by the NumbersNovember 11, 2015
On Wednesday we will observe Veterans Day. We all need to pause to honor and celebrate the men and women who stand in harm's way so we at home can live full and safe lives. There appears there will...
12 Things You Didn't Know About American Workers September 7, 2015
As Labor Day—September 7th—approaches, it is clear that jobs and job creation will be one of the main topics of discussion over the next 15 months. As we fight to put Americans to work, stimulate the...
5 Things Americans Should Remember on Memorial DayMay 24, 2015
As we enjoy the first taste of summer, entertaining friends and family or just relaxing this Memorial Day, we should take a moment to reflect on what the weekend is all about. Here are five facts to...