How to Hire the Best Millennials
Business + Economy

How to Hire the Best Millennials


It's never been easier to look better on paper than you are in life. The Internet is full of tricks for building resumes and interviewing. And nobody knows this better than the Millennial Generation. While they're often labeled as listless, proud, and unmotivated, I have found just the opposite.

They're a wonderful generation--about 75 percent of my office is under 30--but they're a different breed. And interviewing them is trickier than interviewing any group I've encountered. They are here in number, and aren't going away. They are your future. If you can get the interview right, and find the right match between a legitimate candidate and your company, you will have a wonderful run and maybe even a new breakthrough as a business.

So how do you know who is for real, and who is a fake?

Here are five questions I've found very helpful in interviewing the under 30 crowd:

1. Tell me about a new initiative you have taken to lead or be a part of leading.

The old axiom is true: The best predictor of future performance is past performance. No matter how old (or young) your interviewee is, they should be able to point back to something new they have led. Were they too radical? Were they collaborative in their leadership?

2. Tell me about a meaningful experience you have had serving or contributing to a cause. What about that time motivated you to do more?

Perhaps nothing defines the Millennial Generation more than their commitment to working for a greater cause. Regardless of faith basis, this group wants to do something that matters. For example, every person that has joined our firm has taken a pay cut to come work with us. Why? We are a cause driven company.

Your job as the interviewer should be to figure out what particularly matters to them, and to determine whether or not their motivation matches your company's vision.

For example, if you are in an oil and gas exploration company and you ask this question, it might help if the candidate you are interested in lets you know about their volunteer history with Greenpeace.

3. Describe for me a time you have faced criticism, and how you responded to it.

This question is intentionally vague. I want to hear if the criticism was valid or not. I want to know if the candidate always describes himself as a victim. I want to test self-awareness. Self-awareness is not common among any generation, and if a younger person has it, they are miles ahead of most of the rest.

4. When have you been asked to work too much, and how did you respond?

Millennials are often labeled as lazy (I think because they are misunderstood). Many times, they will ask for more time off rather than more money. Unlocking a candidate's understanding of work ethic is key to making a good Millennial hire.

This question allows the candidate to admit that they have been asked to do too much, and also reveals their ability (or inability) to "manage up" and work with their supervisors in a respectful and productive manner.

5. Whom do you go to for life and career advice?

I took a really big job when I was 31. I was way over my head, had no idea how much so, and had probably bitten off more than I could chew. The one thing I had going for me? Because I was 31, I knew everything....

If you can find a person early in their career who is able to admit that they don't have all the answers, you've made a great find. Finding a younger candidate who can name older, wiser people they lean into for advice? Both rare and worth a serious look.

This generation is a very savvy, smart group. They are able to beat most of the standard interview questions that people would usually ask. They are often misaligned as lazy, unmotivated, and untrainable. I have found just the opposite. If you can tap into the key motivators of a Millennial, find one who has self-awareness and the ability to get things done, you're on your way to a very fun ride as an employer. I speak from experience. My team is young. They push me, they stretch me, and they work harder than any group I've ever worked with.

Hiring a great Millennial may be the breakthrough you've been looking for.