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Business + Economy

Why Mobile Retail Still Needs Fixing


Mobile shopping may be all the rage these days, but consumers aren't entirely impressed.

More than half of consumers say that retailers "inconsistently meet expectations" or only "meet expectations" when it comes to their mobile experience, according to Mobiquity's Mobile Shopping Satisfaction Report, which consists of a survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers.

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Forty-six percent of respondents said that the user experience across multiple mobile devices was "inconsistent and frustrating."

Some of the stated reasons for frustration include slow load times, not enough information being made available and an inconsistent user experience.

But a poor mobile experience hasn't stopped consumers from shopping on their phones. According to the report published Friday, more people use their phone to shop than to do other tasks like bank or order food.

Check out the graphic below to see where retailers are failing and what consumers want from their mobile apps.

This article originally appeared in CNBC.

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