At this point in 2016 cycle, with 8 long months still to go, it’s fair to say that this is the most divisive election of the modern age. In addition to the usual Red State vs. Blue State wars that have raged since perhaps Richard Nixon, we have the polarization that has increased exponentially under each of the last three presidents and the dawn of the 24-hour news cycle. Throw in figures like Hillary Clinton, a despised figure on one side of the aisle, who provokes distrust within her own party, and Bernie Sanders, with the specter of “Democratic Socialism” -- still a bugbear for the Cold War generation.
Only from this political maelstrom could a figure like Donald Trump emerge. With his New York bluster and total disregard for “politics as usual,” the appeal of Trump is easy to understand from afar, particularly for an electorate fed up with the gridlock and talking-point double speak that has dominated D.C. for the better part of two decades.
Related: Seriously Now, Does Trump Really Want to Be President?
Up close however, Trump’s “no nonsense” approach is to many people just bluster from a no-nothing blowhard. According to a recent 538 Poll The Donald has a net favorability of -27 with Independent voters, and a whopping -70 with Democrats, hands down the worst of anyone in the GOP (even the little loved Ted Cruz). Throw in many concerns within his own party, both for Trump’s suitability for the Republican brand and his actual capability to be the leader of the free world (shudder) and it’s seismic.
Add comments that almost seem designed to alienate -- (deep breath) Mexicans, Syrians, journalists, Muslims, and of course that little demographic slice we call Women.
So, for a little perspective, here are some famously unpopular things and how they compare to Trump, using the 63.3% Unfavorable rating benchmark.
- Cockroaches– These famously disgusting, disease-carrying bugs score a higher rating than Mr. Trump. Fortunately, we know that at least the cockroaches will survive any of the various Trumpocalypses in our darker timelines.
- Head lice – Another group of pests from the insect kingdom that somehow are more popular than the Donald.
- Nickleback – Unofficially crowned as the band the internet most loves to hate, the ultra-earnest Canadian rockers still beat Trump by 2 points.
- Hipsters – From the super lame, to the “too-cool-for-school,” Hipsters have been another favorite target of the Internet’s ire, but with a 58 percent disapproval rating, people still hate them less than Trump.
- Cockroaches– These famously disgusting, disease-carrying bugs score a higher rating than Mr. Trump. Fortunately, we know that at least the cockroaches will survive any of the various Trumpocalypses in our darker timelines.
- Head lice – Another group of pests from the insect kingdom that somehow are more popular than the Donald.
- Traffic Jams – Ironically, our most frequent metaphor for governmental inaction is still way more popular than Trump, with only a 56 percent disapproval rating. The important question this raises: who are the people who approve of traffic jams?
Related: Trump’s Latest Shocker: Women Should Be Punished If They Get an Abortion
- DMV /IRS – Dealing with tedious, inefficient, and most importantly time consuming government agents has been a one of the least favorite parts of modern for decades now, but both of these agencies have a higher approval rating than Trump. (though, perhaps not surprisingly, when broken down by affiliation, Republicans still hate the IRS more than Trump).
- Hemorrhoids – Apparently Trump is less desirable than a pain in the butt.
- Trump in 2013 – Shockingly, in 2013 when Congress was the primary target of voters’ political ire, Americans preferred the Donald, giving him only a 56 percent disapproval rating…but the times, they are a changin.’
- Finance Industry – Despite being the favorite punching bag of the Sanders’ (and increasingly, everyone else’s…) campaign, Wall Street’s disapproval rating is still 3 points lower than the Donald.
- Genghis Khan – People actually view the ruler of the Mongol hoard more favorably than Donald Trump. A telling statistic.
- Congress!!! – That’s right, the government body that as little as a year and a half ago had a single digit approval rating that was actually lower than syphilis is currently (slightly) more popular than Mr. Trump.
But it’s not all bad news for The Trump campaign. He does still manage to beat infamous cult leader/serial murderer Charles Manson. So, chin up Donald, there’s no place to go but up.