The Apple Economy
  • The Multiple Benefits of Our Digital Age

    By Joanne Orlando, The Conversation

    Two people walk into a seminar: one takes photos, video and an audio recording of the presentation, while the other takes hand-written notes. Which person do you think will better recall the...

  • Sony rejects Loeb's proposal to spin off entertainment unit

    Sony Movies Leak After Hack Attack

    By Anna Field, The Washington Post

    Attackers operating under the name “Guardians of Peace” left a picture of a red skull and the phrase "Hacked By #GOP" on the computers screens of Sony employees on the Monday before Thanksgiving.

  • Innovation: What It Really Takes to Market a Good Idea

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    Management gurus who have long touted the value of teamwork and productive collaboration now have new evidence from journalist and biographer Walter Isaacson. In his new book The Innovators : How a...

  • Why Cybercrime Lurks Behind Every Black Friday Purchase

    By Diana S. Dolliver, The Conversation

    Shoppers have launched into the holiday buying season and retailers are looking forward to year-end sales that make up almost 20% of their annual receipts. But as you check out at a store or click “...

  • Google Already Knows What Holiday Gifts You’re Getting

    By Cadie Thompson, CNBC

    Wonder what you are getting for Christmas? Google might have an idea. The tech giant has broken down some of the top searched gifts and it looks like Apple's iPads and Microsoft's Xbox will be big...