  • Can’t Reach the IRS for Tax Help? 4 More Options

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    Excruciatingly long holds on the U.S. Internal Revenue Service's help line this year mean that taxpayers need to find better ways to get their questions answered. The problems start with the fact...

  • The 7 Taxes We Hate the Most

    Most of us absolutely despise paying our taxes – we believe they’re unfair or aimed at the wrong people. While Gallup has found that slightly more than half of us feel we paid too much in taxes in...

  • More Americans Get Free Credit Scores. Now What?

    By Beth Pinsker, Reuters

    As a Citibank customer, I have been receiving my credit score on my statements since January. In February, my number went down five points, leaving me wondering: What did I do wrong? There are still...

  • Company healthcare

    3 Options for Congress If Court Kills Obamacare Subsidies

    On March 4 the U.S. Supreme Court will hear King v. Burwell, the case challenging health insurance-premium subsidies for those who buy their insurance on the 37 federal exchanges. The Reply Brief...

  • Preparing for an audit? Don't panic. The news might not be as bad as you think.

    Desperate IRS Rehires 300 Poor Performers

    By Charles Clark, Government Executive

    In its quest for tax expertise, the Internal Revenue Service in recent years has rehired more than 300 past employees who had been forced out or left while under investigation for performance or...